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Blog posted on 29/04/2021

In recent years we have witnessed the evolution of the electrical grid and the development of new technologies produce what we know today as the smart grid. This evolution continues to this day and the trend seems to point to greater interconnection between end consumers and the grid, which increases possible attack vectors. Over the course of this article, we shall see the security measures that will be used in the electrical grid of the future.

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Blog posted on 17/12/2020

Wireless communications encompass a set of protocols that are widely used in some industrial sectors. In particular, building automation is based on these protocols, mainly using the BACNET and Lontalks protocols, but also making use of new ZigBee and Bluetooth based devices for IIoT. This article will provide information on SweynTooth, a set of vulnerabilities that affect Bluetooth technology.

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Blog posted on 28/11/2019

Over the years, the automotive sector has been growing and evolving technologically. During this time, different deficiencies or vulnerabilities in smart cars have been discovered. For this reason, one of the key issues for this new type of vehicle is protection against possible threats.