Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 14/12/2023

Managing and predicting vulnerabilities has become an essential task for cybersecurity. The Exploit Prediction Scoring System  (EPSS) is a methodology launched in 2019, which uses algorithms and threat intelligence data to predict the likelihood of a specific vulnerability being exploited by threat actors in a short space of time.

In an environment where organizations are faced with an increasing number of vulnerabilities, EPSS effectively prioritizes responses to vulnerabilities based on their risk of exploitation. Through meticulous information collection and analysis, this system offers an efficient view of the threats affecting the business, allowing organizations to act proactively. This article focuses on understanding EPSS, how it improves security posture, and best practices for its implementation. 

Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 04/11/2023

The  Hive ransomware (especially in its v5 version) stands out for its sophistication, and for the impact caused to hundreds of companies and organizations worldwide, bypassing conventional defenses and challenging analysts with its advanced techniques.

In this article, we unravel its features, from its encryption methods to its anti-analysis countermeasures, illustrating not only the threat it poses, but also how it can be combated. Through a technical analysis, it is intended to empower readers with the knowledge necessary to understand and ultimately defend against these types of threats.

Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 30/11/2023

The security gaps and issues that exist within industrial environments are sometimes unknown to many information consumers. This article aims to bring first hand some of the most interesting issues and attack trends in 2023 in the industrial sector. Different industrial cybersecurity incidents so far this year will be described at a high level and a comparison will be made with the trend presented at the beginning of the year.