Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 22/04/2021

This article reviews the origin and development of the best-known types of denial-of-service attacks, placing special emphasis on Reflected Distributed Denial of Service attacks, analysing their main characteristics, operation, and consequences, as well as the measures necessary to mount a good defence against them.

Imagen decorativa Noticia
News posted on 20/04/2021
Imagen decorativa Noticia
News posted on 16/04/2021
Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 15/04/2021

Various studies with threat analysis or malware distribution campaigns affecting Spain and identified through incident management undertaken by INCIBE-CERT. The aim is to increase knowledge of the more technical details and characteristics of the threats so that organisations can implement appropriate detection and protection measures.

Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 13/04/2021

In this post, an office document, a .doc file with macros, will be analyzed through the static and dynamic analysis of the sample in a controlled environment, in order to identify the actions carried out by the Emotet malware.