IT/OT Convergence

Posted on 02/01/2018, by
TI-TO Convergence
The constant pressure from operating costs and the halt in investments due to the crisis have made it so industrial systems have had to improve the administration of their assets in order to lower product prices, thus recurring to IT solutions. The result is that industry is changing in the way its processes are managed and operated in order to integrate them in business.

Cybersecurity and IoT Privacy Risks and Challenges

Posted on 26/12/2017, by
Miriam Puente García (INCIBE)
Riesgos y retos de ciberseguridad y privacidad en IoT
The Internet of Things (IoT) has started to become part of daily life in society: intelligent homes, intelligent education, intelligent healthcare, wearable devices, the Internet of Vehicles (IoV) and other industries make great use of this technology, with it playing a key role in the digital transformation and the hyper-connection of their elements.

Safety initiatives and best practices for IoT

Posted on 11/12/2017, by
Miriam Puente García (INCIBE)
Iniciativas y prácticas de seguridad para el IoT
Tomando en consideración las amenazas y los riesgos detallados anteriormente queda de manifiesto la necesidad de desarrollar acciones o modelos de protección para mitigar las vulnerabilidades que surgen del tratamiento de los datos de los usuarios así como prácticas de seguridad en la funcionalidad y el despliegue de tecnologías IoT.

How to Evaluate my Cybersecurity Capacities According to C4V

Posted on 03/11/2017, by
How to Evaluate
After having analysed the "why" behind the cybersecurity capacities evaluation model in the first entry dedicated to the C4V model and after having explained how to carry out an appropriate management of risks in the value chain in the second edition, this third edition is dedicated to explaining how to carry out an evaluation of ourselves.