En esta sección se ofrecen contenidos de interés para los profesionales que participan en la investigación de vulnerabilidades, análisis de amenazas y eventos de ciberseguridad, forense digital, hacking ético o pentesting, investigador del fraude o analista de ciberinteligencia.

Enhancing Internet security with IRR: protection against incorrect route advertisements

Posted on 04/07/2024, by
Portada blog IRR
In the complex web of network infrastructure, the Internet Routing Registry (IRR) stands out as an essential component, playing an important role in the coordination and security of routing policies. Its benefits are significant in building a cyberspace free of spoofing-type attacks. Knowing how to create and maintain objects in the IRR is essential for operators of Internet infrastructures. This article presents its fundamental elements and the tools that help in its life cycle

UMAS and the cybersecurity of this communications

Updated on 11/07/2024, by
Cover UMAS
UMAS (Unified Messaging Application Services) is a Schneider Electric (SE) proprietary protocol used to configure and monitor Schneider Electric programmable logic controllers (PLCs). While it is true that the protocol is related to this manufacturer, the use of the protocol is quite widespread in different sectors, especially the energy sector, as is obvious.The article will focus on the technical breakdown of the protocol and the use of the protocol. The article will also show weaknesses, strengths and some technical vulnerabilities detected in this protocol.

New 2024 cybersecurity regulations for vehicles

Posted on 13/06/2024, by
cybersecurity regulations for vehicles study cover
The UN R155 and UN R156 regulations are of vital importance for vehicle cybersecurity. From July 2022, all car manufacturers that want to be type-approved must comply with both regulations, but from July 2024 this requirement will be extended to all new vehicles sold in the European Union, regardless of when the manufacturer obtained type-approval. One of the most important aspects of compliance with both regulations is the completion of a cybersecurity risk assessment of the vehicle, including all integrated components of the vehicle's supply chain. On the other hand, it also specifies how to incorporate cybersecurity from design, how to detect and respond to incidents, how to securely update vehicle software, etc. 

CharGEN cyberattacks based on the CharGEN protocol

Updated on 31/05/2024, by
DrDoS attacks based CharGEN
En este post se presentan algunas líneas de actuación que deben seguirse para hacer frente a un ciberataque DrDoS basado en el protocolo CharGEN, describiendo detalladamente las fases de prevención, identificación y respuesta a adoptar.

PLCs security risks

Posted on 30/05/2024, by
Cover PLCs security risks
En la actualidad, el sector industrial se ha convertido en uno de los blancos más frecuentes de los ciberdelincuentes. Convirtiendo el cibercrimen en uno de los principales riesgos del sector, ya que el objetivo preferido en las redes industriales son los equipos críticos que desempeñan un papel fundamental en el sistema. Por tanto, en este artículo, exploraremos las distintas fases y formas de un ciberincidente en un entorno industrial, para entender el riesgo que representan y como prevenirlos.

Babuk Tortilla: use of recovery tool & processes

Posted on 23/05/2024, by
Imagen decorativa del blog
Babuk Tortilla is a version of the original Babuk ransomware, which emerged after the leak of its source code, and which attracted attention in the cybersecurity landscape due to the intention of being deployed on vulnerable servers.This article reviews its origin and operation, focusing on its modus operandi and the techniques used to breach the security of data and systems. It also provides key tools and recommendations to identify and neutralize its effect on technological infrastructures, providing users with the necessary knowledge to defend against this significant risk. Understanding how Babuk Tortilla works and its recovery mechanisms is vital.

DNP3 protocol in depth

Posted on 02/05/2024, by
Decorative photo blog
In the electricity sector, it has always been necessary to use robust communications that allow proper communication, since a failure in this sector would cause a large number of losses, both economic and social.In addition, with the technological advances, it is important also to have secure communications since the electricity sector is one of the sectors that currently suffers the most cyber-attacks. For this reason, in recent years different robust and secure protocols have been created.One of these protocols is DNP3, created mainly for the use of substation automation and control systems, for the electric utility industry, although it has now also been used for other sectors.Finally, in this article we want to explain in more depth the operation of this protocol and the benefits or disadvantages of using this protocol.

CAPEC in the ICS world

Posted on 18/04/2024, by
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CAPEC (Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification) is a project that focuses on enumerating and classifying common attack patterns on computer systems and providing a systematic approach to understanding and addressing the tactics used by attackers. Like CWE (Common Weakness Enumeration), CAPEC is an initiative of the computer security community and is maintained by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in the United States. Recently in version 3.9, the project has incorporated a number of attack patterns related to the industrial world.This article aims to show the reader the use of these codes, such as those used at the identifier level in CVEs, CWEs, etc., and which are related to many of the jobs that are carried out on a daily basis in the industrial cybersecurity sector.