
Contenido Cibercrimen

Blog posted on 15/02/2024

The industrial environment, especially the energy sector, is one of sectors that is suffering the most from cyber-attacks. This trend has been increasing in recent years, as this is one of the most information-sensitive sectors and can cause major problems, both economically and socially.

One of the best examples of malware attacks is BlackEnergy. This malware became known for being able to compromise several electricity distributors on 23 December 2015, causing households in the Ivano-Frankvisk region of Ukraine (a population of around 1.5 million) to be without electricity.

For this reason, due to seriousness of this type of cyberattacks, it is necessary to continue researching and investing in industrial cybersecurity, to reduce the damage caused by this type of cyber-attack in industrial environments.

News posted on 13/02/2024
Blog posted on 01/02/2024

The Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) is essential for Internet routing security, as it provides a method to securely connect IP addresses to autonomous systems (AS) by validating route information. 

RPKI effectively prevents BGP Hijacking-type attacks, where potential attackers maliciously redirect Internet traffic. This article aims to explore the design, implementation, and benefits of using RPKI to ensure security and authenticity in Internet routing.

News posted on 10/01/2024
Blog posted on 04/01/2024

Ransomware, one of the top cybersecurity threats in today's landscape, allows criminals to hijack data and demand ransoms. Although there are various families and variants, some are especially destructive. These cybercriminals have refined their methods, using everything from complex extortion to bug bounty-type programs. In the face of these challenges, we will explore tools and strategies to recover from and defend against such attacks.

Blog posted on 28/12/2023

Second part of the Top 20 mitigations for industrial environments. This part will focus on mitigations related to network architecture, industrial protocols, network configuration and vulnerability scanning.

Blog posted on 21/12/2023

In the industrial world, there are a large number of systems, equipment, networks, areas, ducts, cloud environments, IT-OT environments, etc. In recent years, the number of attacks on industrial environments has been growing exponentially, and not only on purely industrial environments, but also on corporate environments that are connected to industrial environments. These IT environments being access points for attackers due to this IT/OT connectivity.

News posted on 13/12/2023
Blog posted on 04/11/2023

The  Hive ransomware (especially in its v5 version) stands out for its sophistication, and for the impact caused to hundreds of companies and organizations worldwide, bypassing conventional defenses and challenging analysts with its advanced techniques.

In this article, we unravel its features, from its encryption methods to its anti-analysis countermeasures, illustrating not only the threat it poses, but also how it can be combated. Through a technical analysis, it is intended to empower readers with the knowledge necessary to understand and ultimately defend against these types of threats.