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News updated on 25/04/2024
Imagen decorativa Noticia
News updated on 05/04/2024
Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 11/04/2024

Since its appearance in 2022, Black Basta has established itself as one of the most dangerous ransomwares in the current landscape, standing out for its ability to carry out double extortion attacks, stealing and encrypting data from its victims. Although it focuses on Windows systems, versions for Linux systems that attack ESXi hypervisors have also been discovered. At the end of December 2023, a renowned ethical hacking lab in Berlin published a decryption tool on GitHub to combat it. Although the group has recently updated its software to fix this flaw, the release of the decryption tool represents a major blow against its operations. In this article, we take a closer look at how this ransomware works, exploring the methods it employs to compromise the integrity of data and systems and presenting the decryption method for its vulnerable version.

Imagen decorativa Noticia
News posted on 08/04/2024
Imagen decorativa Noticia
News posted on 04/04/2024
Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 04/04/2024

The automotive world has always been one of the most cutting-edge sectors in terms of the technology used, which is why today's cars are equipped with technologies such as Bluetooth, NFC, GPS, etc., which improve different aspects such as comfort, fuel efficiency and increased safety.

But these implemented technologies can also bring with them serious problems, such as the risk of cyber-attacks that can affect passengers in the vehicle, both at the level of personal data and physical security.

For this reason, this article aims to provide an insight into some of the cyber-attacks that smart cars have suffered and how cyber-security is evolving and adapting to make more and more vehicles cyber-safe.

Imagen decorativa Noticia
News posted on 01/04/2024