Imagen decorativa Noticia
News updated on 12/07/2024
Imagen decorativa Noticia
News updated on 06/07/2024
Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog updated on 11/07/2024

UMAS (Unified Messaging Application Services) is a Schneider Electric (SE) proprietary protocol used to configure and monitor Schneider Electric programmable logic controllers (PLCs). While it is true that the protocol is related to this manufacturer, the use of the protocol is quite widespread in different sectors, especially the energy sector, as is obvious.

The article will focus on the technical breakdown of the protocol and the use of the protocol. The article will also show weaknesses, strengths and some technical vulnerabilities detected in this protocol.

Imagen decorativa Noticia
News updated on 05/07/2024
Imagen decorativa Noticia
News updated on 03/07/2024
Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 13/06/2024

The UN R155 and UN R156 regulations are of vital importance for vehicle cybersecurity. From July 2022, all car manufacturers that want to be type-approved must comply with both regulations, but from July 2024 this requirement will be extended to all new vehicles sold in the European Union, regardless of when the manufacturer obtained type-approval. One of the most important aspects of compliance with both regulations is the completion of a cybersecurity risk assessment of the vehicle, including all integrated components of the vehicle's supply chain. On the other hand, it also specifies how to incorporate cybersecurity from design, how to detect and respond to incidents, how to securely update vehicle software, etc.