Imagen decorativa Noticia
News updated on 31/05/2024
Imagen decorativa Noticia
News updated on 29/05/2024
Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog updated on 12/08/2021

This post presents some lines of action that should be followed to deal with a DrDoS cyberattack based on the PortMapper protocol, describing in detail the prevention, identification and response phases to follow.

Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog updated on 25/06/2021

This post presents some lines of action that should be followed to deal with a DrDoS cyberattack based on the LDAP protocol, describing in detail the prevention, identification and response phases to follow.

Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog updated on 11/11/2021

This post presents some lines of action that should be followed to deal with a DrDoS cyberattack based on the SSDP protocol, describing in detail the prevention, identification and response phases to follow.

Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog updated on 31/05/2024

En este post se presentan algunas líneas de actuación que deben seguirse para hacer frente a un ciberataque DrDoS basado en el protocolo CharGEN, describiendo detalladamente las fases de prevención, identificación y respuesta a adoptar.

Imagen decorativa Noticia
News updated on 15/05/2024
Imagen decorativa Noticia
News updated on 25/04/2024
Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 09/05/2024

Space is an increasingly important element in the critical infrastructures of all countries. The possibility of losing or degrading space services can significantly affect both national security and all customers who have contracted services involving the use of satellites or any other space devices, resulting in major economic and security losses.

To protect it, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has developed a cyber security framework for the commercial ground segment of the space sector, providing a means for stakeholders to assess their cyber security posture in terms of identification, protection, detection, response and recovery operations, thereby evaluating the level of risk to the satellite ground segment structure.