
Contenido Incident

News updated on 24/08/2024
News posted on 27/08/2024
News updated on 12/08/2024
News posted on 19/08/2024
News updated on 07/08/2024
Blog posted on 08/08/2024

In the field of cybersecurity, CASB systems play a crucial role in providing an additional layer of protection for cloud applications. This approach prevents threats, detects malware, and ensures privacy in a digital environment, thereby addressing the growing need for data protection. 

This article explores how CASB systems work, their key applications, and their benefits in terms of security and privacy, ensuring that applications operate by protecting data in cloud environments and maintaining fine-grained control over cloud operations. From vendor assessment to malicious behavior detection, its versatility extends, offering benefits such as risk mitigation and improved cloud security.